The Assets4rail program started December 2018 and will last for a period about 30 months. The Mid-term Conference, consisting of 19 partners in 10 countries, is founded by Shift2Rail and persists of 2 Work Streams working on the realization of cost-effective and reliable rail infrastructure.
Each partner is working towards a digitalization of the railroad system, to collect data of monitored devices, which than will be delivered to get relevant information about their status for e.g. maintenance reasons.

The goal of this program is:
- 30 % decreased track disturbance
- 15 % decrease on noise levels
- 50 % increase in reliability and punctuality (public and freight transport)
- 20 % decrease of the cost of track inspections

URL: https:/
Witt Solutions GmbH is part of the WS 2 (Work Stream 2) to find monitoring solutions for trains and track geometry. Furthermore, find solutions to collect data via fail-safe systems.
This January (2020) all the partners, also Witt Solutions GmbH, met in Rome for an midterm conference, to compile their progresses and to introduce their developed systems.
For more information, visit the website or follow on social media.